DEMeasuring iodine content
Measuring iodine content, Total:134 items.
In the international standard classification, Measuring iodine content involves: Non-ferrous metals, Sugar. Sugar products. Starch, Non-metalliferous minerals, Leather technology, Spices and condiments. Food additives, Organic chemicals, Metalliferous minerals, Animal feeding stuffs, Natural gas, Analytical chemistry, Inorganic chemicals, Rubber, Fuels, Ferroalloys, Equipment for children, Water quality, Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds, Ceramics, Products of non-ferrous metals, Raw materials for rubber and plastics, Products of the chemical industry, Milk and milk products.
RO-ASRO, Measuring iodine content
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Measuring iodine content
VN-TCVN, Measuring iodine content
- TCVN 6341-1998 Iodated salt.Method for determination ofiodate content
- TCVN 6487-1999 Iodated seasoning powder.Method for determination of iodate content.
- TCVN 6020-2008 Gasoline.Determination of lead.Iodine monochloride method
- TCVN 7429-2004 Leather.Determination of chromic oxide content by iodmetric titration
- TCVN 7080-2010 Milk and dried milk.Determination of iodide content.Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
- TCVN 6319-2007 Rubbers and rubber latices.Determination of manganese content.Sodium periodate photometric methods
CZ-CSN, Measuring iodine content
- CSN 42 0680 Cast.8-1986 Chemical analysis of non-ferrous metals and alloys. Tin. Determination of sulphur by the iodometric method
- CSN 44 1740-1976 Copper concentrates. Electrogravimetric and iodometric determination of copper
- CSN 65 2476-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Jodometric Method o? Copper Content Determination
- CSN 65 2471-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Methods of Potasium Jodide Content Determination
- CSN ISO 9501:1992 Metallurgical-grade fluorspar - Determination of total sulfur content - Iodometric method after combustion
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Measuring iodine content
- T/HNNMIA 25-2023 Scrap copper-Determination of copper content-Iodometric method
- T/HNNMIA 24-2023 Tin oxide slag - Determination of tin content - Potassium iodate titration method
- T/CSTM 00976-2024 Calculation standards and analysis methods for carbon emissions of industrial buildings
- T/QAS 039-2021 Iodometric Method for Determination of Oxygen Consumption in Brine
Professional Standard - Aquaculture, Measuring iodine content
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Measuring iodine content
- GB/T 11060.1-2010(俄語版) Determination of Chlorine Sulphide Content by Iodometric Method
- GB/T 5195.4-2006 Fluorspar. Determination of sulfide content. Iodometric method
- GB/T 5195.5-2006 Fluorspar. Determination of total sulfur content. The iodometric method after combustion
- GB/T 6730.17-2014 Iron ores.Determination of sulfur content.Combustion iodometric method
- GB/T 11060.1-1998 Natural gas--Determination of hydrogen sulfide content--Iodometric titration method
- GB/T 11198.12-1989 Sulphyric acid for industrial use--Determination of sulpur dioxide content--Iodometric method
- GB/T 15252-1994 Rubber--Determination of sulfide sulfur content--Iodometric method
- GB/T 1628.4-2000 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use-Determination of formic acid content-Iodometric method
- GB/T 11127-1989 Gasoline--Determination of lead content--Iodine monochloride method
- GB/T 11060.1-2010 Natural gas-Determination of sulfur compound-Part 1:Determination of hydrogen sulfide content by iodometric titration method
- GB/T 11060.1-2010e Natural gas—Determination of sulfur compound—Part 1:Determination of hydrogen sulfide content by iodometric titration method
- GB/T 11060.1-2010(英文版) Natural gas—Determination of sulfur compound—Part 1: Determination of hydrogen sulfide content by iodometric titration method
- GB/T 11060.1-2023 Natural gas—Determination of sulfur compound—Part 1: Determination of hydrogen sulfide content by iodometric titration method
- GB/T 5059.9-2008 Ferromolybdenum.Determination of sulfur content.The infrared absorption method and the combustion-iodate volumetric method
- GB/T 15252-2014 Rubber,compounded or vulcanized.Determination of sulfide sulfur content.Lodometric method
- GB/T 11060.9-2011 Natural gas.Determination of sulfur compounds.Part 9: Determination of mercaptan sulfur content by iodometric titration method
- GB/T 5195.11-2006 Fluorspar.Determination of manganese content.The periodate spectrophotometric method
- GB/T 8296-1987 Natural rubber latex--Determination of manganese content--Potassium periodate photometric method
- GB/T 10304.2-1988 Determination of BaC03 in cathode carbonate by dichromate iodimetry
PL-PKN, Measuring iodine content
- PN P22112-1992 Leathers Determination of chromium content Iodometric method
- PN A75151-1987 Wines and distillate of win? Iodometric method for determination of total sulphur dioxide content
- PN C89059-1992 Plastics. Determination of free phenols content in phenol-formaldehyde resins by iodometric method
RU-GOST R, Measuring iodine content
- GOST 34201-2017 Sugar. Determination of sulphur dioxide content by iodometric method
- GOST 28458-1990 Vegetable feeds. Method for determination of iodine
YU-JUS, Measuring iodine content
- JUS H.G8.433-1990 Reagents. Potassium iodide. Determination of iodate and iodine content (as J0_). Colorimetric method
- JUS E.Z8.002-2001 Food grade salt
- JUS H.G8.428-1990 Reagents. Potassium iodide. Determination of potassium iodide content. Volumetric method
- JUS H.B8.428-1983 Acid-grade fluorspar. Determination of sulphide content. iodometric method
- JUS H.G8.439-1990 Reagents. Potassium io?i?e. Determination of barium content. Turbidimetric method
- JUS H.G8.017-1980 Reagents. Hydrochloric acid. Determination ofnilphites oontent. Iodimetric method
- JUS G.S1.755-1991 Plastics.Phenolic resins.Determination of residual phenol contect by iodometric method
- JUS H.G8.436-1990 Reagents. Potassium iodide. Determination of iron content. Colorimetric method
- JUS H.G8.435-1990 Reaqents. Potassium iodide. Determination of total nitroaen content. Colorimetric method
- JUS H.G8.429-1990 Reagents. Potassium iodide. Determination of substances insoluble in water. Gravimetric method
- JUS E.Z8.018-1994 Soups,broaths,sauces and seasonigs - Determination of the sodium glutaminic content - Iodometric method
- JUS H.G8.432-1990 Reaaents. Potassium iodide. Determination of sulphate content. Turbidinetric method
- JUS H.B8.640-1981 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use. Determination of sulphur dioxide content lodometric method
Indonesia Standards, Measuring iodine content
- SNI 06-6017-1999 Test method for formaldehyde content (HCOH) in tanned leather (iodometry method)
- SNI 06-6875-2002 Test methods of sulphides content in water by iodometry
- SNI 01-3201-1992 Oil and fats, Determination of iodyde number (Wijs methode)
中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Measuring iodine content
- GB/T 32102-2015 Determination for assay of organic peroxides—Iodometric method
HU-MSZT, Measuring iodine content
- MSZ 448/16-1987 Drinking water testing, iodide ion content testing
- MSZ 19971-1967 Iodine content and unsaturated carbonic acid content of mineral oil products
- MSZ 20992/6-1970 Chemical analysis of ferrosilicon, determination of iodine content
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Measuring iodine content
- ISO 4284:1978 Acid-grade fluorspar — Determination of sulphide content — Iodometric method
- ISO 4284:1993 Acid-grade and ceramic-grade fluorspar; determination of sulfide content; iodometric method
- ISO 4284:1988 Acid-grade and ceramic-grade fluorspar — Determination of sulfide content — Iodometric method
- ISO 809:1973 Magnesium and magnesium alloys; Determination of manganese; Periodate photometric method (Manganese content between 0,01 and 0,8 %)
- ISO 810:1973 Magnesium and magnesium alloys; Determination of manganese; Periodate photometric method (Manganese content less than 0,01 %)
- ISO 3702:1976 Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride for industrial use; Determination of sulphur dioxide content; Iodometric method
- ISO 3830:1977 Title missing - Legacy paper document
- ISO 1397:1975 Compounded rubber — Determination of manganese content — Sodium periodate photometric method
- ISO 3423:1975 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use; Determination of sulphur dioxide content; Iodometric method
- ISO 5442:1980 Sodium hexafluorosilicate for industrial use; Determination of sulphur compounds content; Iodometric method after reduction
- ISO 8054:1996 Rubber, compounded or vulcanized - Determination of sulfide sulfur content - Iodometric method
- ISO 3830:1981 Petroleum products — Gasoline — Determination of lead content — Iodine monochloride method
- ISO 753-3:1983 Acetic acid for industrial use; Methods of test; Part 3 : Determination of formic acid content; Iodometric method
BE-NBN, Measuring iodine content
- NBN T 04-018-1985 Acetic acid for industrial use - Determination of formic acid content- Iodometric method
- NBN T 03-517-1983 Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride for industrial use - Determination of sulphur dioxide content - Iodometric method
- NBN T 03-025-1979 Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use - Determination of sulphur dioxide content - Iodometric method
Professional Standard - Ferrous Metallurgy, Measuring iodine content
- YB/T 159.5-2015 Titanium concentrate (rock minerals).Determination of sulfur content.The combustion iodometric method
- YB/T 5041-2012 Molybdenum oxide.Determination of sulfur content.Combustion-potassium iodate volumetric method
- YB/T 1595-1999 Chemical analysis method of titanium concentrate (rock ore) Determination of sulfur content by combustion iodine method
- YB/T 159.5-1999 Methods for chemical analysis of titanium concentrate (rock minerals).The combustion iodometric method for the determination of sulfur content
CL-INN, Measuring iodine content
Anhui Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Measuring iodine content
- DB34/T 2578-2015 Crude selenium chemical analysis method Determination of selenium content iodometric method
Professional Standard - Aviation, Measuring iodine content
- HB 5218.2-1995 Determination of Copper Content by Iodometric Method for Chemical Analysis of Aluminum Alloys
- HB 5297.10-2001 Titanium Alloy Chemical Analysis Method Potassium Iodate Volumetric Method Determination of Tin Content
- HB 5422.5-1989 Method for chemical analysis of copper alloy - Potassium iodate volumetric method for determination of tin content
- HB 5220.5-1995 Method for Chemical Analysis of Superalloys Potassium Iodate Volumetric Method for Determination of Sulfur Content
- HB/Z 5218.2-2004 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium alloys-Part 2:Determination of copper content by iodimetric method
- HB/Z 5090.3-2001 Analytical method of electroless nickel plating solution iodometric method to determine the content of sodium phosphite
Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Measuring iodine content
- CNS 14470-2000 Method of test for lead in gasoline by iodine monochloride method
British Standards Institution (BSI), Measuring iodine content
- BS EN ISO 7393-3:1990 Water quality. Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine. Iodometric titration method for the determination of total chlorine
- BS EN ISO 3830:1996 Petroleum products. Determination of lead content of gasoline. Iodine monochloride method
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Measuring iodine content
- KS M 1944-2002(2007) Acetic acid for industrial use-Method of test-Determination of formic acid content-Iodometric method
- KS D ISO 810:2001 Magnesium and magnesium alloys-Determination of manganese-Periodate photometric method(Manganese content less than 0.01 %)
- KS D ISO 809:2001 Magnesium and magnesium alloys-Determination of manganese-Periodate photometric method(manganese content between 0.01 and 0.8 %)
- KS M ISO 3830-2013 Petroleum products-Determination of lead content of gasoline-Iodine monochloride method
- KS M ISO 3423-2015(2020) Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use-Determination of sulphur dioxide content-Iodometric method
- KS M ISO 3423-2020 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use-Determination of sulphur dioxide content-Iodometric method
- KS M ISO 3423:2015 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use-Determination of sulphur dioxide content-Iodometric method
- KS M ISO 3423:2010 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use-Determination of sulphur dioxide content-Iodometric method
- KS M ISO 3830:2007 Petroleum products-Determination of lead content of gasoline-Iodine monochloride method
- KS H ISO 14378:2021 Milk and dried milk — Determination of iodide content —Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Measuring iodine content
German Institute for Standardization, Measuring iodine content
- DIN EN ISO 7393-3:2000 Water quality - Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine - Part 3: Iodometric titration method for the determination of total chlorine (ISO 7393-3:1990); German version EN ISO 7393-3:2000
PT-IPQ, Measuring iodine content
- NP 1756-1981 Petroleum products gasoline. Measurement of lead content, iodine monochloride volumetric procedure
- NP 3104-1985 Edible fats and oils. Measurement of iodine content via WiJ. s technology. Introduction to related procedures
- NP 941-1985 Edible fats and oils. Measurement of iodine content by Hanas method. Introduction to current procedures
TR-TSE, Measuring iodine content
- TS 2915-1978 Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride For Industrial Use- Determination Of Sulphur Dioxide Ccntent- Lodometric Method
AT-ON, Measuring iodine content
- ONORM M 6281-1991 Water analysis — Determination of total chlorine by iodometric ütration
Professional Standard - Petrochemical Industry, Measuring iodine content
- SH/T 0234-1992 Determination method for iodine value and unsaturated hydrocarbon content of light petroleum products (iodine-ethanol method)
GSO, Measuring iodine content
- GSO ISO 810:2015 Magnesium and magnesium alloys -- Determination of manganese -- Periodate photometric method (Manganese content less than 0,01 %)
- GSO ISO 3423:2015 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use -- Determination of sulphur dioxide content -- Iodometric method
- BH GSO ISO 3423:2017 Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use -- Determination of sulphur dioxide content -- Iodometric method
- GSO ISO 9682-2:2013 Iron ores -- Determination of manganese content -- Part 2: Periodate spectrophotometric method
Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Measuring iodine content
- SN/T 3469.1-2013 Determination of copper content in crude refining of copper and copper-based sintered mineral for import.Short iodometric method
- SN/T 3727-2013 Determination of iodide content in foods for export.Ion chromatography
South African Bureau of Standard, Measuring iodine content
- SANS 7393-3:2005 Water quality - Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine Part 3: Iodometric titration method for the determination of total chlorine
SE-SIS, Measuring iodine content
- SIS SS 15 51 58-1984 Petroleum products — Gasoline Determination of lead content Iodine monochloride method
- SIS SS 15 51 58-1979 Petroleum products — Gasoline Determination of lead content Iodine monochloride method
SCC, Measuring iodine content
- BS 5657:1988 Method for determination of lead content of gasoline by the iodine monochloride method
- BS ISO 14378:2000 Milk and dried milk. Determination of iodide content. Method using high performance liquid chromatography
- BS 5657:1978 Petroleum products - gasoline - determination of lead content - iodine monochloride method
- DANSK DS/EN ISO 3830:1996 Petroleum products - Determination of lead content of gasoline - Iodine monochloride method
- NS-ISO 3830:1981 Petroleum products — Gasoline — Determination of lead content — Iodine monochloride method
- BS 4897-4:1983 Trace metal contents of pulps.-Method for determination of manganese content by sodium periodate photometric and flame atomic absorption spectrometric methods
工業和信息化部, Measuring iodine content
- YS/T 1329.2-2019 Methods of chemical analysis of copper telluride Part 2: Determination of copper content Iodometric method
Professional Standard - Non-ferrous Metal, Measuring iodine content
- YS/T 910-2013 Determination of copper content for brass.Iodimetry