DETotal Protein Demineralized
Total Protein Demineralized, Total:153 items.
In the international standard classification, Total Protein Demineralized involves: Milk and milk products, Beverages, Analytical chemistry, Laboratory medicine, Tobacco, tobacco products and related equipment, Textile fibres, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Animal feeding stuffs.
CZ-CSN, Total Protein Demineralized
- CSN 57 0111-5-2002 Testing methods for casein and caseinates - Determination of protein content
- CSN 570111-5-2002 Testing methods for casein and caseinates - Determination of protein content
- CSN 57 0111-1-2002 Testing methods for casein and caseinates - General regulations
- CSN 57 0111-12-2002 Testing methods for casein and caseinates - Determination of pH
- CSN 57 0111-3-2002 Testing methods for casein and caseinates - Determination of moisture
- CSN 57 0111-7-2002 Testing methods for casein and caseinates - Determination of ash
- CSN 57 0111-8-2002 Testing methods for casein and caseinates - Determination of titratable acidity
- CSN 57 0111-2-2002 Testing methods for casein and caseinates - Methods of samphng of Chemical analysis
KR-KS, Total Protein Demineralized
- KS H ISO 5549-2021 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of protein content(Reference method)
- KS H ISO 5739-2021 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of scorched particles content
- KS H ISO 5546-2021 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of pH(Reference method)
- KS H ISO 8195-2001 Caseins and caseinates-Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents-Method by cadmium reduction and spectrometry
- KS H ISO 5545-2021 Rennet caseins and caseinates —Determination of ash(Reference method)
- KS H ISO 5548-2020 Caseins and caseinates-Determination of lactose content-Photometric method
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Total Protein Demineralized
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Total Protein Demineralized
- ISO 5549:1978 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of protein content (Reference method)
- ISO 5739:2003 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- ISO 5739:2003|IDF 107:2003 Determination of casein and caseinate coke particles and foreign matter content
- ISO 5546:1979 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of pH (Reference method)
- ISO 5546:2010 | IDF 115:2010 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of pH (Reference method)
- ISO 5546:2010|IDF 115:2010 Determination of pH value of casein and caseinate (standard method)
- ISO 5550:2006|IDF 78:2006 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- ISO 5545:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)
- ISO 5550:2006 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- ISO 5739:1983 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of scorched particles content
- ISO 5546:2010 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method)
- ISO 5550:1978 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of water content (Reference method)
- ISO 5548:2004 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of lactose content - Photometric method
- ISO 5548:2004 | IDF 106:2004 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of lactose content — Photometric method
- ISO 5548:2004|IDF 106:2004 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of lactose content — Photometric method
- ISO 5550:2006 | IDF 78:2006 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- ISO 5545:2008|IDF 90:2008 Determination of abomasal casein and caseinate ash (reference method)
- ISO 5548:1980 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of lactose content; Photometric method
- ISO 5545:2008 | IDF 90:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates — Determination of ash (Reference method)
- ISO 8195:1987 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents; Method by cadmium reduction and spectrometry
- ISO 5739:2003 | IDF 107:2003 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- ISO 5543:2004 | IDF 127:2004 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of fat content — Gravimetric method (Reference method)
- ISO 5543:1986 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of fat content; Gravimetric method (Reference method)
SCC, Total Protein Demineralized
- BS 6248-10:1986 Caseins and caseinates-Method for determination of fat (gravimetric reference method)
- BS 6248-9:1984 Caseins and caseinates-Method for the determination of scorched particles
- DANSK DS/ISO 5739:2003 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- DIN 10470 E:2010 Draft Document - Milk and milk products - Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein - Derivative spectroscopic method
AT-ON, Total Protein Demineralized
RO-ASRO, Total Protein Demineralized
- STAS 2213/17-1976 SWEETS Determination of total proteinic content and milk proteinic substance content
- STAS SR 4895-6-1997 Tobacco and tobacco prodocts Determination of total proteins content (albumines)
- STAS 21/6-1973 OILSEED RESIDUES Determination of protein of protein brut content
Lithuanian Standards Office , Total Protein Demineralized
- LST ISO 5549:2001 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of protein content (Reference method) (identical ISO 5549:1978)
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Total Protein Demineralized
- NF V04-387:1985 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of protein content (reference method).
- NF ISO 5546:2010 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method)
- NF V04-389:1985 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of scorched particles content.
- NF ISO 5548:2008 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of lactose content - Photometric method
- NF ISO 5550:2007 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (reference method)
- NF V04-390:1988 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents. Method by cadmium reduction and spectrometry.
- NF ISO 5545:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)
- NF V04-382:1988 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (reference method).
GSO, Total Protein Demineralized
- BH GSO 1374:2022 Edible Casein And Caseinates
- GSO 1374:2021 Edible Casein And Caseinates
- OS GSO ISO 5546:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of pH (Reference method)
- BH GSO ISO 5546:2016 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of pH (Reference method)
- GSO ISO 5546:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of pH (Reference method)
- OS GSO ISO 5548:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of lactose content -- Photometric method
- GSO ISO 5550:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- GSO ISO 5548:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of lactose content -- Photometric method
- OS GSO ISO 5550:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- GSO ISO 5739:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- BH GSO ISO 5739:2016 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- BH GSO ISO 5543:2016 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of fat content -- Gravimetric method (Reference method)
- OS GSO ISO 5543:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of fat content -- Gravimetric method (Reference method)
- GSO ISO 5543:2015 Caseins and caseinates -- Determination of fat content -- Gravimetric method (Reference method)
RU-GOST R, Total Protein Demineralized
British Standards Institution (BSI), Total Protein Demineralized
- BS ISO 5739:2003 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- BS 6248-11:1987 Caseins and caseinates. Method for determination of nitrate and nitrite contents
- BS ISO 5550:2006 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
- BS ISO 5548:2004 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of lactose content - Photometric methods
- BS ISO 5546:2010 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method)
- BS ISO 5545:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)
German Institute for Standardization, Total Protein Demineralized
- DIN 10464:1994 Determination of casein content, casein and whey protein contents in total protein of milk and milk products - Casein-phosphorus method
- DIN 10466:2001 Determination of whey protein content in total protein of milk and milk products - Polarographic method
- DIN 10470:2011 Milk and milk products - Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein - Derivative spectroscopic method
- DIN 10464:1994-08 Determination of casein content, casein and whey protein contents in total protein of milk and milk products - Casein-phosphorus method
- DIN ISO 5546:2020-12 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method) (ISO 5546:2010)
- DIN 10472:1996 Determination of casein and whey protein contents of milk and milk products - Electrophoretic method
- DIN ISO 5545:2020-12 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method) (ISO 5545:2008)
- DIN ISO 5550:2020-12 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method) (ISO 5550:2006)
- DIN 10470:2011-07 Milk and milk products - Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein - Derivative spectroscopic method
- DIN 10454:1983 Determination of protein content of caseins and caseinates; reference method
- DIN ISO 5546:2020 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method) (ISO 5546:2010)
- DIN 10466:2001-09 Determination of whey protein content in total protein of milk and milk products - Polarographic method
- DIN ISO 5550:2020 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method) (ISO 5550:2006)
Danish Standards Foundation, Total Protein Demineralized
- DS/ISO 5739:2003 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
International Dairy Federation (IDF), Total Protein Demineralized
- IDF 107-2003 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
- IDF 78-2006 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
CU-NC, Total Protein Demineralized
未注明發布機構, Total Protein Demineralized
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Total Protein Demineralized
- JIS K 0602:2000 Proteins -- Serum albumin -- Methods for quantitative analysis
- JIS K 0605:2000 Proteins -- Trypsin -- Methods for quantitative analysis
- JIS K 0606:2000 Proteins -- Transferrin -- Methods for quantitative analysis
- JIS K 0603:2000 Proteins -- Immunoglobulin -- Methods for quantitative analysis
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Total Protein Demineralized
Professional Standard - Medicine, Total Protein Demineralized
Professional Standard - Tobacco, Total Protein Demineralized
- YC/T 166-2003 Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of total proteins content (Albumins)
VN-TCVN, Total Protein Demineralized
- TCVN 3705-1990 Aquatic products.Method for the determination of total nitrogen and protein content
- TCVN 4593-1988 Canned foods.Determination of total protein
AENOR, Total Protein Demineralized
IN-BIS, Total Protein Demineralized
- IS 11888-1987 Method for determination of charred particle content in casein and caseinates
- IS 9095-1979 Specifications for protein gummies
- IS 7482-1989 Protein Drinks—Specifications
- IS 11963-1987 Photometric method for determination of lactose content in casein and caseinate
Professional Standard - Agriculture, Total Protein Demineralized
- NY/T 520-2002 Quality protein maize
- 25藥典 三部-2020 General Introduction to Human Recombinant DNA Protein Products
- 26藥典 三部-2015 General Introduction to Human Recombinant DNA Protein Products
Professional Standard - Textile, Total Protein Demineralized
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Total Protein Demineralized
- T/CASME 371-2023 Low salt, low fat and high protein chicken breast sausage
- T/ESL 22003-2023 Guideline for formulation of laying hens diet with low protein content
CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Total Protein Demineralized
- EN ISO 8968-4:2001 Milk - Determination of Nitrogen Content - Part 4: Determination of Non-Protein Nitrogen Content
HU-MSZT, Total Protein Demineralized