DETemperature heater
Temperature heater, Total:173 items.
In the international standard classification, Temperature heater involves: Welding, brazing and soldering, Thermodynamics and temperature measurements, Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene, Fluid power systems, Surface treatment and coating, Iron and steel products, Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity, Mechanical testing, Resistors, Installations in buildings, Automatic controls for household use, On-board equipment and instruments, Fluid storage devices, Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology, Domestic, commercial and industrial heating appliances, Railway engineering in general, Medical equipment, Railway rolling stock, Protection of and in buildings, Farm buildings, structures and installations, Kitchen equipment, Industrial automation systems, Optical equipment, Aircraft and space vehicles in general.
SCC, Temperature heater
- BS 791:1959 Bomb calorimeter thermometers
- BS 791:1938 Bomb calorimeter thermometers
- VDI/VDE 5585 BLATT 2-2021 Technical temperature measurement - temperature measurement with thermographic cameras - calibration
- VDI/VDE 5585 BLATT 1 BERICHTIGUNG:2018 Technical temperature measurement — Temperature measurement with thermographic cameras — Metrological characterization
- VDI/VDE 5585 BLATT 1:2018 Technical temperature measurement — Temperature measurement with thermographic cameras — Metrological characterization
- DANSK DS/EN ISO 13123:2012 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient
- NS-EN ISO 13916:2017 Welding - Measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:2017)
- AENOR UNE-EN ISO 13916:2018 Welding - Measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:2017)
- BS 2782-1 METHOD 101 TO 102:1956 Methods of testing plastics Effect of temperature. Methods 101 and 102. Crushing strength after heating (heat resistance), deformation at elevated temperatures
- DANSK DS/EN ISO 13916:2017 Welding – Measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:2017)
- BS 791:1954 Calorimeter thermometers
- NS-EN ISO 13916:1996 Welding — Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:1996)
German Institute for Standardization, Temperature heater
- DIN EN ISO 13916:1996 Welding - Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:1996); German version EN ISO 13916:1996
- DIN 12785 Bb.1:1978 Laboratory glassware; special purpose laboratory thermometers, additional remarks
- DIN EN ISO 13916:2018-03 Welding - Measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:2017); German version EN ISO 13916:2017
- DIN V 4707:1992 General requirements for fire places for heating and warmwater-heating
- DIN EN ISO 13916 E:2017-02 Measurement of welding preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheating maintenance temperature (draft)
- DIN 58660:1966 Meteorological instruments - Thermometer 370 for psychrometer
- DIN EN ISO 13916 E:1996-11 Measurement of welding preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheating maintenance temperature (draft)
- DIN 58661:1966 Meteorological instruments - Thermometer 280 for psychrometer
- DIN 58654:1960 Meteorological devices - Maximum thermometer
- DIN EN 143004:1997 Blank detail specification: Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors (rod type); German version EN 143004:1991
- DIN 58664:1968 Meteorological instruments - Earth thermometers
- DIN 58653:1960 Meteorological devices - Minimum thermometer
British Standards Institution (BSI), Temperature heater
- BS EN ISO 13916:1997 Welding - Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- BS EN 60539-1:2008 Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors. Generic specification
- BS EN 60539-1:2016 Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors. Generic specification
- BS EN IEC 60539-1:2023 Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors. Generic specification
- BS EN 12098-3:2002 Controls for heating systems. Outside temperature compensated control equipment for electrical heating systems
- BS EN 12098-3:2003 Controls for heating systems. Outside temperature compensated control equipment for electrical heating systems
- BS EN ISO 13916:2017 Welding. Measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- BS 4086:1966 Recommendations for maximum surface temperatures of heated domestic equipment
- 24/30493508 DC BS EN ISO 13916 Welding - Measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Temperature heater
- NF A89-253:1996 Welding. Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature.
- NF P52-701-1:1996 Controls for heating systems. Part 1 : outside temperature compensated control equipment for hot water heating systems.
- NF EN ISO 13916:2018 Welding - Measuring preheat temperature, interpass temperature and preheat hold temperature
- NF C93-271:1974 Components for electronic equipment. Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors.
- NF A89-253*NF EN ISO 13916:2018 Welding - Measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- NF C83-264*NF EN 143004:1991 Blank Detail Specification : directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors (Rod type)
- NF C83-290-1/A1*NF EN 60738-1/A1:2014 Thermistors - Directly heated positive temperature coefficient - Part 1 : generic specification
- NF C93-272-1*NF EN 60539-1:2016 Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 1 : generic specification
- NF C83-263*NF EN 143003:1991 Blank Detail Specification : directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors (Disk type)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Temperature heater
- ASTM E967-97 Standard Practice for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers
- ASTM C1057-22 Standard Practice for Determination of Skin Contact Temperature from Heated Surfaces Using a Mathematical Model and Thermesthesiometer
- ASTM C1057-92(1998)e1 Standard Practice for Determination of Skin Contact Temperature from Heated Surfaces Using A Mathematical Model and Thermesthesiometer
- ASTM C1057-17 Standard Practice for Determination of Skin Contact Temperature from Heated Surfaces Using a Mathematical Model and Thermesthesiometer
- ASTM E1582-93 Standard Practice for Calibration of Temperature Scale for Thermogravimetry
- ASTM E967-18 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers
- ASTM E967-03 Standard Practice for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers
- ASTM E967-08 Standard Practice for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers
- ASTM RR-E37-1017 1996 E1582-Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermogravimetric Analyzers
- ASTM E1363-97e1 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
- ASTM E967-08(2014) Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers
- ASTM A458-88 Specification for Hot-Worked, Hot-Cold-Worked, and Cold-Worked Alloy Steel Bars for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures
- ASTM E1582-21 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermogravimetric Analyzers
- ASTM E1363-16 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
- ASTM E1363-23 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
- ASTM E1363-03 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
- ASTM E1363-18 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
- ASTM E1582-17 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermogravimetric Analyzers
- ASTM E1363-13 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
- ASTM E1363-08 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
- ASTM RR-E37-1007 1984 E1582-Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermogravimetric Analyzers
- ASTM RR-E37-1011 1990 E1363-Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
- ASTM E639-78(2002) Standard Test Method for Measuring Total-Radiance Temperature of Heated Surfaces Using a Radiation Pyrometer
- ASTM E639-78(1996)e1 Standard Test Method for Measuring Total-Radiance Temperature of Heated Surfaces Using a Radiation Pyrometer
- ASTM E2069-06(2018) Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration on Cooling of Differential Scanning Calorimeters
- ASTM E2069-19 Standard Test Method for Temperature Calibration on Cooling of Differential Scanning Calorimeters
CZ-CSN, Temperature heater
VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Temperature heater
- VDI/VDE 5585 BLATT 1-2018 Technische Temperaturmessung - Temperaturmessung mit Thermografiekameras - Messtechnische Charakterisierung
- VDI/VDE 5585 BLATT 1-2016 Technische Temperaturmessung - Temperaturmessung mit Thermografiekameras - Messtechnische Charakterisierung
RO-ASRO, Temperature heater
- STAS 11247/4-1981 Heating plants THERMAL AND HYDRAULICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE APPLIANCES Superficial temperature determination
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Temperature heater
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Temperature heater
- KS B 6612-2019 Automatic temperature control system for heating
- KS R 9198-1996(2016) Measuring methods for air conditioning and heating temperature of railway rolling stock
- KS B ISO 13916-2013 Welding-Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- KS B ISO 13916-2003(2008) Welding-Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- KS B ISO 13916:2013 Welding-Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- KS C IEC 60738-1:2020 Thermistors — Directly heated positive temperature coefficient —Part 1: Generic specification
- KS B ISO 13916:2003 Welding-Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- KS B 6612-2016 Automatic temperature control system for heating
- KS C 1608-1987 Indicating Thermoelectric Thermometers
- KS B 6612-2017 Automatic temperature control system for heating
- KS B ISO 9022-16-2002(2022) Optics and optical instruments-Environmental test methods-Part 16:Combined bounce or steady-state acceleration and dry heat or cold
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Temperature heater
- JIS H 7851:2015 Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient
- JIS E 4015:1989 Measuring methods for air conditioning and heating temperature of railway rolling stock
- JIS Z 3703:2004 Welding -- Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
HU-MSZT, Temperature heater
工業和信息化部/國家能源局, Temperature heater
- JB/T 12723-2016 Technical Specifications for Thermal Deformation/Vicat Softening Temperature Tester
SAE - SAE International, Temperature heater
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Temperature heater
U.S. Air Force, Temperature heater
CENELEC - European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, Temperature heater
- EN 144004:1994 Blank Detail Specification: Directly Heated Positive Temperature Coefficient Thermistors Primarily Intended for Temperature Sensing
YU-JUS, Temperature heater
- JUS L.N4.201-1984 Operating conditions for industrial-process measurement and control equipment. Temperature, humidity and barometric pressure
- JUS M.E6.207-1997 Thermostats, temperature limiters and thermal cut-offs for heat generating systems; safety reauirements and testing
- JUS M.E6.201-1984 Water central heating plants. Safety reguirements for hot vvater heating with flow temperatures up to 110°C
- JUS L.F2.012-1995 Measurement of temperature in industrial process - Tables for thermocouple - Thermocouple N: nickel-chrome- silicium/nickel-silicium
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Temperature heater
- AS 2872:2000 Atmospheric heating of vessels containing fluids - Estimation of maximum temperature
- AS 2872:2000(R2016) Atmospheric heating of vessels containing fluids - Estimation of maximum temperature
- AS ISO 13916:2018 Welding — Measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization(CENELEC), Temperature heater
- EN IEC 60539-2:2019 Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 2: Sectional specification - Surface mount negative temperature coefficient thermistors
- EN 143004:1991 Blank Detail Specification: Directly Heated Negative Temperature Coefficient Thermistors (Rod Type)
- EN 60738-1:2006 Thermistors - Directly heated positive temperature coefficient - Part 1: Generic specification
Professional Standard - Meteorology, Temperature heater
- QX/T 32-2005 Temperature grads automatic measuring instrument
Danish Standards Foundation, Temperature heater
- DS/EN 60539-2:2004 Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 2: Sectional specification - Surface mount negative temperature coefficient thermistors
- DS/EN 60539-2/A1:2010 Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 2: Sectional specification - Surface mount negative temperature coefficient thermistors
- DS/EN ISO 13916:1997 Welding - Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- DS/EN 60738-1:2006 Thermistors - Directly heated positive temperature coefficient - Part 1: Generic specification
- DS/EN 60738-1/A1:2010 Thermistors - Directly heated positive temperature coefficient - Part 1: Generic specification
- DS/EN ISO 13123:2012 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient
GM Europe, Temperature heater
- GME 01310 PART 2-2008 Heating Mats with Single and Multi-Stage Temperature Regulation (English/German; Include Appendix A; This standard may be applied only for current projects incl. Global Epsilon e (37##). It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW14373 an
Professional Standard - Medicine, Temperature heater
中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Temperature heater
中國氣象局, Temperature heater
Hebei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Temperature heater
Lithuanian Standards Office , Temperature heater
- LST EN 12098-1-2002 Controls for heating systems - Part 1: Outside temperature compensated control equipment for hot water heating systems
- LST EN 12098-3-2003 Controls for heating systems - Part 3: Outside temperature compensated control equipment for electrical heating systems
- LST EN ISO 13916:1998 Welding - Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:1996)
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Temperature heater
- IEC 60539-2:2019 Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 2: Sectional specification - Surface mount negative temperature coefficient thermistors
- IEC 60539-2:2003+AMD1:2010 CSV Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 2: Sectional specification - Surface mount negative temperature coefficient thermistors
- IEC 60539-2:2019 RLV Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 2: Sectional specification - Surface mount negative temperature coefficient thermistors
- IEC 60738-1:2006+AMD1:2009 CSV Thermistors - Directly heated positive temperature coefficient - Part 1: Generic specification
- IEC 65B/622/DTS:2007 IEC 62492-1: Radiation thermometers - Part 1: Specifications for radiation thermometers
- IEC 60738-1:2022 Thermistors - Directly heated positive temperature coefficient - Part 1: Generic specification
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Temperature heater
- ISO 13916:2017 Welding - Measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- ISO 13916:1996 Welding - Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Temperature heater
工業和信息化部, Temperature heater
- YB/T 4772-2019 Determination and calculation method of billet heating temperature uniformity
GSO, Temperature heater
- BH GSO ISO 13916:2016 Welding -- Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- GSO ISO 13123:2015 Metallic and other inorganic coatings -- Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient
- OS GSO ISO 13916:2014 Welding -- Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- OS GSO ISO 13123:2015 Metallic and other inorganic coatings -- Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient
- BH GSO ISO 13123:2016 Metallic and other inorganic coatings -- Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient
- GSO ISO 13916:2014 Welding -- Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Temperature heater
- EN ISO 13123:2011 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient (ISO 13123:2011)
AT-ON, Temperature heater
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Temperature heater
- GB/T 23246-2009 Conductivity-temperature-depth profiler
- GB/T 18591-2001 Welding--Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature,interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
- GB/T 7287.2-1987 Measuring method for the surface temperature distribution of infrared heater
- GB/T 25475-2010 Industrial-process mesurement and control instruments.Terminology.Temperature measuring instuments
AT-OVE/ON, Temperature heater
- OVE EN IEC 60539-2:2021 Directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors - Part 2: Sectional specification - Surface mount negative temperature coefficient thermistors (german version)
CN-QIYE, Temperature heater
- Q/GDW 468-2010 Calibration specifications for infrared thermometers and infrared thermal imaging cameras
CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Temperature heater
- EN ISO 13916:2017 Welding - Measurement of preheating temperature@ interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature
中華全國供銷合作總社, Temperature heater
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., Temperature heater
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Temperature heater
- NEMA DC 10-1983 Residential Controls - Temperature Limit Controls for Electric Baseboard Heaters
- NEMA DC 10-2009 Residential Controls–Temperature Limit Controls for Electrical Baseboard Heaters
KR-KS, Temperature heater
- KS C IEC 60738-1-2020 Thermistors — Directly heated positive temperature coefficient —Part 1: Generic specification
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Temperature heater
- UNE-EN IEC 60738-1:2022 Thermistors - Directly heated positive temperature coefficient - Part 1: Generic specification (Endorsed by Asociación Espa?ola de Normalización in January of 2023.)
- UNE-EN 60738-1:2006/A1:2010 Thermistors - Directly heated positive temperature coefficient -- Part 1: Generic specification
- UNE-EN ISO 13916:2018 Welding - Measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:2017)
- UNE-EN 12098-3:2003 Controls for heating systems - Part 3: Outside temperature compensated control equipment for electrical heating systems
- UNE-EN ISO 13916:1996 Welding - Guidance on the measurement of preheating temperature, interpass temperature and preheat maintenance temperature (ISO 13916:1996)
Professional Standard - Machinery, Temperature heater
- JB/T 7386.1-1994 Industrial Automation Instrument Terminology Temperature Instrument
US-FCR, Temperature heater
RU-GOST R, Temperature heater
National Metrological Technical Specifications of the People's Republic of China, Temperature heater
- JJF 1664-2017 Calibration Specification for Temperature Indicators
- JJF 1309-2011 Calibration Specification of Temperature Indicators and Simulators by Electrical Simulation and Measurement
Professional Standard - Urban Construction, Temperature heater
United States Navy, Temperature heater