






Vehicle refrigeration

Vehicle refrigeration, Total:75 items.

In the international standard classification, Vehicle refrigeration involves: Special purpose vehicles, Road vehicle systems, Aircraft and space vehicles in general, Internal combustion engines for road vehicles, Refrigerating technology, Kitchen equipment, Transport, Thermodynamics and temperature measurements, Cellular materials, Fruits. Vegetables, Food products in general, Freight distribution of goods, Motor cycles and mopeds, Services, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Farming and forestry.

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Vehicle refrigeration

  • KS R 4051-2005 Insulated bodies of insulated or refrigerated vehicles
  • KS R 1049-2005 Performance test method for bodies of insulated or refrigerated vehicles
  • KS R 4051-2020 Insulated bodies of insulated or refrigerated vehicles
  • KS R 4051-1995 Insulated bodies of insulated or refrigerated vehicles
  • KS R 4051-2005(2020) Insulated bodies of insulated or refrigerated vehicles
  • KS R 1049-2020 Road vehicles — Performance test method for insulated bodies of refrigerated vehicles
  • KS R 1049-1985 Road vehicles — Performance test method for insulated bodies of refrigerated vehicles

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Vehicle refrigeration

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Vehicle refrigeration

United States Navy, Vehicle refrigeration

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Vehicle refrigeration

German Institute for Standardization, Vehicle refrigeration

  • DIN 18867-6:1997 Equipment for commercial kitchens - Mobile equipment - Part 6: Banky for cooled and frosted products
  • DIN 18867-6:2013 Equipment for commercial kitchens - Mobile equipment - Part 6: Convection-cooled banquet trolley, Requirements and testing

Guangdong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Vehicle refrigeration

CZ-CSN, Vehicle refrigeration

Professional Standard - Automobile, Vehicle refrigeration

  • QC/T 450-2000 Technical conditions for insulated vehicles and refrigerated vehicles
  • QC/T 449-2000 Performance test methods for insulated and refrigerated vehicles
  • QC/T 449-2010 Technical conditions and test methods of insulated and refrigerated vehicles

Henan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Vehicle refrigeration

  • DB41/T 1781-2019 General technical requirements for refrigerated vehicles and insulated vehicles

國家市場監督管理總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Vehicle refrigeration

  • GB/T 40363-2021 Rigid polyurethane cellular materials used for refrigerated containers and refrigerated trailers
  • GB/T 40475-2021 Technical requirements for lectotype of refrigerated and insulated vehicles

RO-ASRO, Vehicle refrigeration

  • STAS 2888/6-1981 Standard gauge railway cars REFRIGERATOR, ISOTHERMAL AND COOLER WAGONS Types and main parameters
  • STAS R 9127/21-1989 CULTIVATED MUSHROOMS Cold storage and refrigerated transport
  • STAS 10069-1975 Commercial refrigerated cabinets REFRIGERATED CABINETS Basic parameters

The Directorate General of Specifications and Metrology (DGSM) , Vehicle refrigeration

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Vehicle refrigeration

  • ISO 9833:1993 Melons -- Cold storage and refrigerated transport
  • ISO 9719:1995 Root vegetables - Cold storage and refrigerated transport
  • ISO 5524:1991 Tomatoes; guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport
  • ISO 7922:1985 Leeks; Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport
  • ISO 949:1987 Cauliflowers; Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport
  • ISO 2167:1991 Round-headed cabbage; guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport

GCC Standardization Organization, Vehicle refrigeration

CO-ICONTEC, Vehicle refrigeration

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Vehicle refrigeration

Military Standards (MIL-STD), Vehicle refrigeration

Professional Standard - Railway, Vehicle refrigeration

  • TB/T 1787-1986 Thermal Calculation Method for Mechanical Refrigerated Vehicles
  • TB/T 1805-1986 General technical requirements for refrigerated trucks with ice
  • TB/T 2556-1995 Performance test method of refrigerating unit for mechanical refrigerated vehicle
  • TB/T 1884-1996 General technical requirements for mechanical refrigerated vehicles

Gosstandart of Russia, Vehicle refrigeration

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Vehicle refrigeration

  • T/CFLP 0050-2022 Requirements for functional and technical of meat hanging refrigerated vehicle

International Code Council, Vehicle refrigeration

Professional Standard - Business, Vehicle refrigeration

  • SB/T 10449-2007 Tomatoes.Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport
  • SB/T 10717-2012 Cultivated mushrooms.Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport

Kingdom of Bahrain Testing and Metrology Directorate, Vehicle refrigeration

Bureau of Indian Standards, Vehicle refrigeration

  • IS 7191-2001 Tomatoes - Guide for Cold Storage and Refrigerated Transport

ABS - American Bureau of Shipping, Vehicle refrigeration

  • ABS 85-1997 Building and Classing Vessels Intended to Carry Refrigerated Cargoes

Jiangsu Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Vehicle refrigeration

Xinjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Vehicle refrigeration

  • DB65/T 3784-2015 Raspberry refrigerated and refrigerated transportation technical regulations

CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Vehicle refrigeration

  • EN ISO 8561:1995 Household Frost-Free Refrigerating Appliances - Refrigerators@ Refrigerator-Freezers@ Frozen Food Storage Cabinets and Food Freezers Cooled by Internal Forced Air Circulation - Characteristics and Test Methods

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