DEParameter resolution
Parameter resolution, Total:117 items.
In the international standard classification, Parameter resolution involves: Photography, Television and radio broadcasting, Radiocommunications, Applications of information technology, Analytical chemistry, Audio, video and audiovisual engineering, Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries, Radiation measurements, Medical equipment, Document imaging applications, Optics and optical measurements, Special measuring equipment for use in telecommunications, Cinematography, Graphic technology, Plastics, Vocabularies, CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY, Industrial automation systems, Character sets and information coding, Construction materials.
British Standards Institution (BSI), Parameter resolution
- BS ISO 12233:2024 Digital cameras. Resolution and spatial frequency responses
- 24/30487201 DC BS ISO 12233 Digital Cameras Resolution and spatial frequency responses
- BS ISO 20341:2003(2010) Surface chemical analysis — Secondary - ion mass spectrometry — Method for estimating depth resolution parameters with multiple delta - layer reference materials
- BS 4657:1990 Method for determining the resolution obtained in microcopying
- BS ISO 6328:2000 Photography - Photographic materials - Determination of ISO resolving power
- PD ISO/TS 18621-31:2024 Graphic technology. Image quality evaluation methods for printed matter. Evaluation of the perceived resolution of printing systems with the Contrast–Resolution chart
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Parameter resolution
- GB/T 19953-2005 Digital still cameras.Besolution weasurements
- GB/T 9045-1988 Determination of resolving power for photographic materials
- GB/T 28632-2012 Surface chemical analysis.Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.Determination of lateral resolution
- GB/T 6996.5-1986 High resolution test chart of transparencies for television
- GB/T 22572-2008 A Method for Estimating Depth-Resolved Parameters Using Multi-delta Layered Reference Materials for Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry in Surface Chemistry
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Parameter resolution
- ISO 12233:2024 Digital cameras — Resolution and spatial frequency responses
- ISO 12233:2000 Photography - Electronic still-picture cameras - Resolution measurements
- ISO 12233:2023 Photography — Electronic still picture imaging — Resolution and spatial frequency responses
- ISO 6328:2000 Photography - Photographic materials - Determination of ISO resolving power
- ISO 8000-115:2018 Data quality - Part 115: Master data: Exchange of quality identifiers: Syntactic, semantic and resolution requirements
GSO, Parameter resolution
- BH GSO ISO 20341:2016 Surface chemical analysis -- Secondary-ion mass spectrometry -- Method for estimating depth resolution parameters with multiple delta-layer reference materials
- OS GSO ISO 20341:2014 Surface chemical analysis -- Secondary-ion mass spectrometry -- Method for estimating depth resolution parameters with multiple delta-layer reference materials
- GSO OIML R115:2010 Clinical electrical thermometers with maximum device
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Parameter resolution
ITU-R - International Telecommunication Union/ITU Radiocommunication Sector, Parameter resolution
ECIA - Electronic Components Industry Association, Parameter resolution
- TEB 25-1985 Survey of Data-Display CRT Resolution Measurement Techniques
- TEB 27-1988 Relating Display Resolution and Addressability
SCC, Parameter resolution
- BS ISO 12233:2000 Photography. Electronic still picture cameras. Resolution measurements
- BS PD ISO/TS 18621-31:2024 Graphic technology. Image quality evaluation methods for printed matter-Evaluation of the perceived resolution of printing systems with the Contrast–Resolution chart
PL-PKN, Parameter resolution
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Parameter resolution
Defense Logistics Agency, Parameter resolution
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Parameter resolution
Professional Standard - Machinery, Parameter resolution
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Parameter resolution
- GJB 7863-2012 General requirements for multi-resolution modeling
- GJB 8025-2013 Specifications for high-resolution satellite photogrammetric office operation for military topographic digital maps
IET - Institution of Engineering and Technology, Parameter resolution
RU-GOST R, Parameter resolution
- GOST 17038.6-1979 Ionizing-radiation scintillation detectors. Method for measurement of intrinsic and given detector resolution
- GOST 2819-1984 Photographic materials. Method for determination of resolution
Professional Standard - Military and Civilian Products, Parameter resolution
- WJ 2139-1993 Specification for Transmissive Low Light Resolution Panels
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Parameter resolution
- JIS K 0169:2012 Surface chemical analysis -- Secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) -- Method for estimating depth resolution parameters with multiple delta-layer reference materials
- JIS K 7623:1993 Photography -- Photographic materials -- Determination of ISO resolving power
- JIS Z 4916:1997 Test charts for resolution characteristics of X-ray equipment
IN-BIS, Parameter resolution
- IS 3602-1966 Scale and Index Design Recommendations for 1% to 2% Resolution Scale Indicators
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Parameter resolution
- SAE AIR6552/2-2021 High-Resolution Optical Reflectometry Network End-to-End Data Link Evaluation System
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Standards Agency, Parameter resolution
CZ-CSN, Parameter resolution
- CSN 01 3823-1984 Reprography. Resolution test charts. Dimensions and technical requirements
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Parameter resolution
- ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/Amd.32:2015 Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 5: Reference software AMENDMENT 32: Reference software for multi-resolution 3D mesh compression
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Parameter resolution
Professional Standard - Petrochemical Industry, Parameter resolution
- SH/T 1774-2012 Plastics.Determination of isotactic index for polypropylene.Low resolution pulsed NMR spectroscopy
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Parameter resolution
- ASTM E386-90(1999) Standard Practice for Data Presentation Relating to High-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
- ASTM E2529-06e1 Standard Guide for Testing the Resolution of a Raman Spectrometer
Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Parameter resolution
- CNS 14383-1999 Method of test for high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry of water
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., Parameter resolution
- ASHRAE 4397-2000 Hydraulic Process Fault Diagnosis and Parameter Identification in District Heating Networks
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Parameter resolution
- ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/AMD32:2015 Amendment 32 - Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 5: Reference software - Reference software for multi-resolution 3D mesh compression
KR-KS, Parameter resolution
- KS A ISO 12233-2018 Photography — Electronic still picture imaging — Resolution and spatial frequency responses
- KS A ISO 12233-2018(2023) Photography — Electronic still picture imaging — Resolution and spatial frequency responses