DEUrethane UV
Urethane UV, Total:79 items.
In the international standard classification, Urethane UV involves: Products of the chemical industry, Analytical chemistry, Organic chemicals, Construction materials, Photography, Water quality, Plastics, Footwear, Cellular materials, Protective equipment, Inorganic chemicals, Terminology (principles and coordination), Protection of and in buildings, Raw materials for rubber and plastics.
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Urethane UV
Professional Standard - Light Industry, Urethane UV
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Urethane UV
Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, Urethane UV
- HG/T 5303~5305-2018 Photosensitive materials Polytetramethylene glycol 250-bis(4-benzoylphenoxyacetic acid) ester, 4-(dimethylamino)benzoic acid-(2-ethyl)hexyl ester and 4-dimethylaminobenzoic acid ethyl ester ( 2018)
- HG/T 6278-2024 Methyl cyanocarbamate sodium (calcium) salt solution
- HG/T 6250-2023 D-p-Hydroxyphenylglycine methyl ester
- HG/T 5803~5806-2021 Plexiglass recycled methyl methacrylate, D-p-hydroxyphenylglycine, D-dihydrophenylglycine methyl Deng sodium salt and tert-butyl acetoacetate for industrial use (2021)
- HG/T 5845~5848-2021 N-ethyl para-ester [4-N-ethylaminophenyl (β-hydroxyethyl sulfone sulfate)], N-ethyl meta-ester [3-N-ethylaminophenyl (β-ethyl sulfone], acetylated amino oil [4-amino-N-[3-(ethylhydroxyethyl)sulfone]phenylbenzamide] and 2,4-dimethylacetoacetanilide (2021)
South African Bureau of Standard, Urethane UV
- SANS 1383:2008 Rigid urethane and isocyanurate foams for use in thermal insulation
- SANS 1383:1983 Rigid urethane and isocyanurate foams for use in thermal insulation
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Urethane UV
- ASTM RR-D19-1187 2009 D7597-Test Method for Determination of Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate, Ethyl Hydrogen Dimethylamidophosphate, Ethyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Isopropyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Methylphosphonic Acid and Pinacolyl Methylphosphonic Acid in Water by Liquid Chromat
- ASTM D7597-09 Standard Test Method for Determination of Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate, Ethyl Hydrogen Dimethylamidophosphate, Ethyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Isopropyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Methylphosphonic Acid and
- ASTM D7597-09e1 Standard Test Method for Determination of Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate, Ethyl Hydrogen Dimethylamidophosphate, Ethyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Isopropyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Methylphosphonic Acid and
- ASTM D3851-97 Standard Specification for Urethane Microcellular Shoe Soling Materials
- ASTM D3851-97(2003)e1 Standard Specification for Urethane Microcellular Shoe Soling Materials
- ASTM D5629-99 Standard Test Method for Polyurethane Raw Materials Determination of Acidity in Low-Acidity Aromatic Isocyanates and Polyurethane Prepolymers
- ASTM D5629-05 Standard Test Method for Polyurethane Raw Materials Determination of Acidity in Low-Acidity Aromatic Isocyanates and Polyurethane Prepolymers
- ASTM D7597-09e2 Standard Test Method for Determination of Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate, Ethyl Hydrogen Dimethylamidophosphate, Ethyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Isopropyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Methylphosphonic Acid and Pinacolyl Methylphosphonic Acid in Water by Liquid Chro
- ASTM D5315-04(2011) Standard Test Method for Determination of N-Methyl-Carbamoyloximes and N-Methylcarbamates in Water by Direct Aqueous Injection HPLC with Post-Column Derivatization
- ASTM D2572-19 Standard Test Method for Isocyanate Groups in Urethane Materials or Prepolymers
- ASTM D2572-97 Standard Test Method for Isocyanate Groups in Urethane Materials or Prepolymers
- ASTM D7597-16(2017) Standard Test Method for Determination of Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate, Ethyl Hydrogen Dimethylamidophosphate, Ethyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Isopropyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Methylphosphonic Acid and
- ASTM D2572-97(2010) Standard Test Method for Isocyanate Groups in Urethane Materials or Prepolymers
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Urethane UV
Anhui Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Urethane UV
工業和信息化部, Urethane UV
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), Urethane UV
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Urethane UV
- ANSI/ASTM D5629:1999 Test Method for Polyurethane Raw Materials: Determination of Acidity in Low Acidity Aromatic Isocyanates and Polyurethane Prepolymers (08.03)
(U.S.) Ford Automotive Standards, Urethane UV
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Urethane UV
- UNE 84104:2000 Cosmetic raw materials. 2-ethylhexyl 4-(dimethylamino) benzoate.
- UNE 84104:2014 Cosmetic raw materials. Sunscreens. 2-ethylhexyl 4-(dimethylamino) benzoate (Ethylhexyl dimethyl PABA).
SCC, Urethane UV
- AWPA P40-13 Standard for 3-Iodo-2-Propynyl Butyl-Carbamate (IPBC)
- AWPA P58-15 Standard for 3-Iodo-2-Propynyl Butyl Carbamate / Permethrin (IPBC/PER)
- AWPA P40-19 Standard for 3-Iodo-2-Propynyl Butyl-Carbamate (IPBC)
- AWPA P58-21 Standard for 3-Iodo-2-Propynyl Butyl Carbamate / Permethrin (IPBC/PER)
- AWPA P58-10 Standard for 3-Iodo-2-Propynyl Butyl Carbamate / Permethrin (IPBC/PER)
- AWPA P40-08 Standard for 3-Iodo-2-Propynyl Butyl-Carbamate (IPBC)
- BS 3647:1963 Dimethoxyethyl phthalate (DI-(2-methoxyethyl) phthalate)
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Urethane UV
- NF T52-113:1985 Plastics. Basic materials for polyurethanes. Polyesters. Determination of the hydroxyl value.
GM Europe, Urethane UV
- GME QK 000198-1983 Polycarbonat -Formmasse, UV-stabilisiert Polycarbonate - Moulding Compounds, UV Stabilized
RU-GOST R, Urethane UV
- GOST 25241-1982 Polyethere for polyurethanes. Method of pH determination
- GOST 25240-1982 Polyestheres for polyurethanes. Method of iodin value determination
- GOST 25210-1982 Polyethers and polyesters for polyurethanes. Method of acid value determinations
General Motors Corporation (GM), Urethane UV
Indonesia Standards, Urethane UV