
共找到 150 條與 起升索 相關的標準,共 10

B30.21 applies to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance of ratchet and pawl and friction brake type lever chain, rope

Lever Hoists Safety Standard for Cableways@ Cranes@ Derricks@ Hoists@ Hooks@ Jacks@ and Slings

B30.21 applies to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance of ratchet and pawl and friction brake type lever chain, rope

Lever Hoists Safety Standard for Cableways@ Cranes@ Derricks@ Hoists@ Hooks@ Jacks@ and Slings

Zpracovatel: Královopolská strojírna, národní podnik, Brno Ing. Josef Strnad Pracovník ??adu pro normalizaci a mě?ení: Ing. Josef Drahoňovsk

Lifting devices. Calculation of steel ropes for cranes and lifting machines

Careful application of B30 safety standards will help users to comply with applicable regulations within their jurisdictions, while achieving

Hooks (B30.10 - 2014)

GB/T 31052的本部分規定了纜索起重機在使用過程中應進行的檢查與維護方面的基本要求,不包含纜索起重機在出廠檢驗、安裝、拆卸等過程中的檢查維護要求。 本部分適用于GB/T 31052.1-2014中附錄A所規定的纜索起重機(以下簡稱“纜機

Lifting appliances.Code of inspection and maintenance.Part 6:Cable cranes

La presente norma è l'adozione nazionale della norma internazionale ISO 23853 (edizione novembre 2004). La norma specifica l&apos

Cranes - Training of slingers and signallers

Full Description Careful application of B30 safety standards will help users to comply with applicable regulations within their jurisdictions, while

Hooks: Safety Standards for Suspended Loads, Crane, Tower Crane, Elevator, Hook, Jack, and Slings

本標準規定了海洋平臺起重機索具的結構型式、鋼絲繩選用、索具布置和索具端接。 本標準適用于海洋平臺起重機索具應用,其他近海起重機可參照執行

Technical requirement of rigging application for offshore cranes


Cableways, cranes, derricks, hoists, hooks, jacks, and slings

1.Covers steel wire ropes for use with lifts, elevators and hoists having cars or platforms carrying passengers or goods and working in guides

Specification for wire suspension ropes for lifts, elevators and cranes

Technical specification for bridge cable hoisting system

La presente norma è la versione ufficiale in lingua inglese e italiana della norma europea EN 13414-1 (edizione agosto 2003). La norma specifica

Steel wire rope slings - Safety - Part 1: Slings for general lifting service

This document is intended for unification of cable lifters and at the same time to ensure their functioning by laying down minimum requirements

Windlasses and anchor capstans - Cable lifters for anchor chains - Design dimensions

Zpracovatel: Vědeckov?zkumn? uheln? ústav, a. s., Ostrava — Radvanice, I?O 45193380, Ing. Milo? Vav?ín Pracovník ?eského normaliza?ního institutu

Elevating machines. Synthetic fibre lifting slings. Safety requirements and testing

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