
共找到 150 條與 現場處置方案 相關的標準,共 10


Guidelines for the preparation of emergency scene disposal plans for special equipment accidents

Regulations for the preparation of emergency plans for construction sites

Disposal Specifications for Explosion-related Sites


Specifications for disposal of explosives and explosion scene

本標準規定了爆炸物現場的處置原則、處置流程和處置措施。 本標準適用于涉及爆炸物的各類現場處置,包括疑有爆炸物現場、疑似爆炸物現場、持爆威脅現場、爆炸現場和廢棄爆炸物現場的爆炸物處置工作,僅對涉及爆炸物處置的有限環節進行規范

Specifications for disposal of explosives scene

Coal Chemical Industry Enterprise Emergency Plan Preparation Guide Part 1: Coking


Guidelines for the implementation of the safety production risk classification management and control system for enterprises in the wine manufacturing industry

Guidelines for Preparing Emergency Plans for Corn Deep Processing Enterprises

Guidelines for Preparing Emergency Plans for Enterprise Hazardous Chemical Storage Tank Areas

Guidelines for the implementation of the safety production risk classification management and control system for enterprises in the commercial vehicle manufacturing industry

本文件確立了電化學儲能電站生產安全應急預案編制工作程序,規定了綜合應急預案、專項應急預案與現場處置方案的主要內容。 本文件適用于以鋰離子電池、液流電池、鉛酸(炭)電池、鈉離子電池、水電解制氫/燃料電池為儲能載體的電化學儲能電站生產安全應急預案編制

Guidelines for the preparation of production safety emergency plans for electrochemical energy storage power stations

本標準規定了入出境人員和交通員工中有疑似呼吸道、消化道或蚊媒傳染病癥候群人員現場處置的方法和程序。 本標準適用于入出境人員和交通員工中有疑似呼吸道、消化道或蚊媒傳染病癥候群人員的現場處置

Management rules for suspicious infectious diseases at frontier ports

Emergency management system construction for super high-rise buildings

本文件規定了中小學校應急管理體系建設中的應急組織、管理制度、應急預案、應急演練、培訓與宣教、應急資源、監測預警與應急響應以及事后恢復的要求。 本文件適用于中小學校開展應急管理體系建設工作

Specification for emergency management system construction in primary and secondary schools

Urban Rail Transit Engineering Sudden Emergency Response Plan Compilation Standard

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