
共找到 150 條與 應急預案體系 相關的標準,共 10

1. 范圍 2. 規范性引用文件 3. 術語和定義 4. 應急預案體系 5. 監測預警 6. 應急響應 7. 善后處置與恢復重建 8. 預案動態管理 9. 應急演練 10. 培訓與

Guidelines For The Construction Of Grassroots Emergency System Plan

Guidelines for the Preparation of Emergency Plans for Major Events

Guidelines for Preparing Emergency Plans for Wind Farms

本標準規定了編寫承壓特種設備事故專項應急預案(以下簡稱“應急預案”)的程序、內容和要素等基本要求。 本標準適用于承壓特種設備使用、檢驗、檢測單位(以下簡稱“單位”)編寫承壓特種設備事故應急預案。承壓特種設備生產(包括設計、制造、安裝、改造、修理)、經營單位可參照執行

Guidelines for the compilation of special emergency plans for accidents of pressure-bearing special equipment

Guidelines for the preparation of information security emergency plans for government departments


Guidelines for Contingency Plan Preparation for Emergencies

Guidelines for the preparation of emergency plans for town and street emergencies

Guidelines for the preparation of contingency plans for emergencies in office areas of party and government agencies

GB/T29639—201 3 產安全事故制導則本標準規定了生產經營單位編制生產安全辜放應急預案〔以下簡稱應急預案)的編制程序、體系構成和綜合應急預案、專項應急預案、現場處置方案以及本標準適用于生產經營單位的應急預案編1j工作,標準執行

Guidelines for enterprises to develop emergency response plan for work place accidents


Guidelines for enterprises to develop emergency response plan for work place accidents

Guidelines for Preparing Emergency Plans for Enterprise Hazardous Chemical Storage Tank Areas

Coal Chemical Industry Enterprise Emergency Plan Preparation Guide Part 1: Coking

本文件確立了電化學儲能電站生產安全應急預案編制工作程序,規定了綜合應急預案、專項應急預案與現場處置方案的主要內容。 本文件適用于以鋰離子電池、液流電池、鉛酸(炭)電池、鈉離子電池、水電解制氫/燃料電池為儲能載體的電化學儲能電站生產安全應急預案編制

Guidelines for the preparation of production safety emergency plans for electrochemical energy storage power stations

Guidelines for the preparation of emergency rescue plans for occupational disease hazard accidents by employers


Guidelines for the preparation of emergency rescue plans for occupational disease hazard accidents by employers

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