
共找到 150 條與 再生紙漿 相關的標準,共 10

本標準適用于包裝或制成封套之一般用牛皮紙,不適用于制成紙袋,或有特殊規格要求之加工用牛皮紙。 備考﹕本標準中{}內之單位及數值,系國際單位制(SI

Kraft Paper

本標準適用于凈裝 40、45、50 kg 之水泥紙袋所用之各級紙張。備考:本標準中{}內之單位及數值,系國際單位制(SI

Cemet Sack Paper


Toilet Tissue Paper

Glossary of terms used in pulp and paper industry ─ Terms of pulp types


Glossary of terms used in pulp and paper industry ─ Terms of pulp types

prEN 15345. Plastics. Recycled plastics. Plastics recyclate characterisation of PP recyclates

This European Standard definesThe criteria for a recycling process and describesThe principal existing processes for material recycling andTheir

Packaging and material recycling - Criteria for recycling methods - Description of recycling processes and flow chart

Reclaimed rubbers


Reclaimed Rubber

Recycled paint

Recycled paint

? ??? KS C 5501(? ?)? ??? ???? ??? ????

The reproducing stylus

Reclaimed rubbers

Field identification technology of regeneration ability of regenerated rice varieties

Rejuvenating Agents for Hot Mix Recycling of Bituminous Surfacing a€” Specification

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